Two eyes painted with acrylic paint on salvaged plywood by artist Leslie Love
Painting of the artist's eye on salvaged plywood
36.5” x 30.5″
Spray painted by my son Henning with stenciled and painted acrylic on salvaged plywood.
For Sale

Seeing You Through to the Other Side

$750 each. Contact me to purchase.

As my dad was having a stroke, we sat and had our last in person conversation, as I was seeing him through to the other side. In me, he has left memories and parts of himself. Wherever he is now, energetically or physically in ashes on my bookshelf, or on another plane, we are connected still. My actions and being, very much include parts of him, even though he is not precisely here.

We watched the Steller’s Jays eating the seeds from the sunflowers as he was trying to regain his breath. Me on one side of the sunburst, him on the other.

There were no colour close-up photos of Dad’s eyes. I could only zoom in close to one with very little detail. That is something I can’t imagine in detail now, what his eyes look like. But I do believe I have captured his essence. Here we are watching you take in the work, becoming a part of it. You are a part of the community just by being here. I appreciate you, so thank you for coming.