Probably 10 years ago, we were cleaning out the garden shed when we first unearthed the dozen or so shovel heads my dad was saving. I remember laughing so hard and taking a picture, just thinking it was so adorable and ridiculous that he was keeping these rusty old things for seemingly no reason. What on Earth was he saving them for?
Obviously, for me to build a sculpture in his honour. He must have known. Good thing we just moved them into the metal scrap, detached truck bed for a decade, instead of throwing them out.
I also salvaged the metal grate, nuts, and bolts to put it together. I had the help of my brother and husband to drill the holes in the shovels. I love to include my family wherever I can.
The little seeds inside grew from another project, but I like that they encapsulate encouraging words, same as my dad supported my art growing up. I wanted to share that encouragement and connect this piece to our community.
* In the previous year to making this sculpture, I had collected notes by people in my community, detailing their dreams, or bucket list items, things they would like to do in their lifetime. I also collected separately, their discards, thoughts and words that were holding them back. I tore the dreams into pieces and crafted handmade paper from them. I made carbon ink from the discards by burning them in an iron pot. With the ink and a dip pen, I wrote affirmations or seeds of encouragement on strips of the paper, and inserted them into the sunflower head grate. I think of each seed as positive words from me and my dad, who always valued the arts and creativity. Dream on my friends.
My mom traded the money for me to purchase a digital camera in exchange for this sculpture. Happy to have it hanging on our property.
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