Dweezil sweet puppy!!! Xmas gift part 2…
Yes that’s Dweezil after Frank Zappa’s son’s name. My Brother is a big fan of Zappa and this puppy is awesome. When you turn up at the door, he runs at you in the shape of a horseshoe he is soooo excited. So cute, cuddly, submissive and silly. He sits and watches the cars go by out the window. He watches TV curled up on you, licking your face. It’s too much. I think Michelle saved him from a not so nice place. Poor guy has a nasty scar on his head.
Dweezil by Leslie Wiegand is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.
Based on a work at www.lesliewlove.com.