Category: Pics

  • Ferris’ Upstairs

      YAY!!  A new venue for my art!  Dave at Ferris’ first found me and my art at Rebel Rebel, (now “Reunion”), and I am so grateful for the exposure and support I have had over the years from Claudia and Erin there.  At the time, everything I had art wise was hanging in their…

  • Art! Enter!

    Art! —– Enter! Adam’s store is beside the parkade on Yates Street.  Clever, he mimicked their sign replacing “Park!” with “Art!” and “Do Not Enter!” with “Enter!”.  Awesome.

  • Inside Love’s

    A picture from the show December 3rd, I’ll add a few more for fun.  Ashley McNeil Painted the portraits you see here. UUUHhHHHmazing! And she’s selling them for way too cheap by the way.

  • The MOCL Art Party!

    The end of the party was drawing near, when I finally remembered my camera! Anyways, I have such amazing friends.  I was totally impressed by a wicked turn out on a long weekend, friends old and new, and lots of purchases.  Really, I am so grateful.  A sappy happy bordering-on-annoying-you-grateful, and thankful for all the…