Teen Town Reunion


Mary & Henning are dear close friends of my family.  Henning sadly passed away a few years ago.  They are pictured here at the Teen Town Reunion in Port Alberni.

Teen Town was an alcohol free youth dance club from the 60’s.  It played a large roll in the lives of kids from Port, that’s for sure.  There were hundreds of people at the reunion.  The young teens organized the dances themselves, practiced and performed, and had the time of their lives.  It was awesome to be a part of the reunion, to see everyone dancing all night, playing, partying WAY harder than me, at twice my age.  I took a lesson on how to have fun that night.  Is there anything remotely like this being organized by kids today?

Creative Commons License
Teen Town Reunion by Leslie Wiegand is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Canada License.
Based on a work at www.lesliewlove.com.


3 Responses to “Teen Town Reunion”

  1. This lives in Vancouver now! So great to read about the teen town reunion in the background.. x

  2. Wayne Lee Avatar
    Wayne Lee

    I was one of the association mayors way back when

  3. Hello Wayne. So do you have fond memories of this time? Did you attend any of the reunions?