Month: January 2010

  • Wishes

    Birthdays, I wanted to make my best friend cry with glee.  Success! This is the first time I have mixed my 2 styles together, nutty little illustrations with photo images.  My friend Regan was at my forth birthday party here.  I had some old washed out photos to work from to make this painting for…

  • Heel Boy!

    Sold :) Brand spankin’ new at Rebel Rebel, I painted it up for the show last night, which was awesome by the way.  Great turn out of great people.  Randi from Ora Bags was amazingly smart and lovely, we made a trade: she took Ladies & Gentleman, and I got an awesome original, reused leather,…

  • Rec Room

    ~Sold~, 21″ x 18″ If you bought this one, you’re awesome!  and could you put your hand up?  I was paid for it, but whomever sold it, forgot to write it down in ‘the book’ :) My mom’s sister Adeline and my awesome Aunt, here with her kids Shaney Boy, and maybe “Keena or Danielle. …

  • Contortionists

    ~Sold!~ Thanks Erin :) Octopus are amazing contortionists. Contortionists was the theme for Drawing Club, and this is what I came up with.  It’s a little painting, and in a different style from my other work on this site, but I have more like this to come.  The boots are gold leaf.  I love shoes…

  • Tuning Up

    ~Sold!~ Oh grandpa, I didn’t know you for too long, but my memories of you are very fond. My grandpa and music… double the LOVE!  I was so happy to find him tuning this little child sized guitar, I painted this twice. The first one I painted is similar, but from another photograph.  I had…

  • Love

    Happy Birthday Frank Love! Frank can’t be with us to share his birthday.  He would be 70 today.  In this picture, he was 17, in Toronto Ontario Calgary Alberta (oops) when someone snapped this street shot.  I painted it up for Adam this Christmas. Adam (his son, my boyfriend), apparently adopted his pa’s style when…

  • Stay Golden

    I wanted to give my very special friends something very special for Christmas… man, giving art is risky business too, cause you never know if they are going to really like it.  Pretty sure I got the gold though (I hope). Yes that is a golden horse, like the right idea on the right path,…

  • A Handmade’s Tale

    Hey!! I made the flyer too! Well I am excited and nervous about this event… I think I will always get nervous for shows.  It’s like giving a class presentation, it’s like you’re being graded, judged, by your own peers!  But this is what I want, exposure and hopefully encouragement. I haven’t met Randi yet,…

  • Rebel Horse

    Commission for Claudia & Erin at Rebel Rebel. Well unfortunately, because this painting is 4′ x 7′, I found it very hard to get a picture of it, in focus. The image I was given to work with is from an art gallery in NY.  I guess they weren’t supposed to take pictures of this…