Sick of Love

12″ x 19.5″ Acrylic on wood.

Copies for sale at for sale at Love’s, 535 Yates Street.

Hmmm, this painting, still not sure about it.  But I know there are a few people out there who like it, a lot.  So I am putting it up to the test.

What was I thinking… about love, about how I should stop thinking about love (all the Xs), maybe I was bloated that day, don’t know.  The bear started out just as some paint roller or brush marks that looked vaguely like a bear.  I stretched out his arms and legs and so on.

I gave it to my friend Kezia a while back as a gift.  She’s got a whole collection of my stuff now.


One response to “Sick of Love”

  1. this is the shiz