Batman, Robin and Friends.


Batman, Robin and Friends, ~ 32″ x 32″, sold

My brother, my hero, Batman.  My cousin Shekinah in a clown costume my mom made, and we all wore at Hallowe’en at least once.  Not sure who the child on the right is, in the foreground, but notice their little friend I added… a little Robin, a sidekick and a favourite bird so common on the lawn in the spring here.

I get a warm fuzzy feeling for those old linoleum floors, the games we got along with the candy, and the clutter and cheer of this wicked holiday.  Even as an adult, dressing up allows a certain silliness and play which is frowned upon in most of our everyday life.

I hope I can revive the old sewing machine to make a few costumes for Frances, or maybe I can just talk Grandma into doing it, ha!