Author: Leslie Love

  • Horn Rims & Weiner Dogs

    “Horn Rims & Weiner Dogs” ~Sold~ Acrylic, pen and polyurethane on wood paneling. I took this painting to a good home today, a fellow artist, broke and struggling within the confines of art school (hope she doesn’t mind me saying that).  I also ran in to Ken Gordon today, who brought Ashley McNeil (above patron…

  • Chinese & Wallpaper

    “Chinese & Wallpaper” Acrylic on wood paneling from an old trailer. For sale $250, contact me if interested :) Mom has fond memories of this night… it was a wallpaper party gone wild, chinese food and good times were had by all.  Brent Purdy and Don Kemp are pictured here, lounging and eating. I painted…

  • The MOCL Art Party!

    The end of the party was drawing near, when I finally remembered my camera! Anyways, I have such amazing friends.  I was totally impressed by a wicked turn out on a long weekend, friends old and new, and lots of purchases.  Really, I am so grateful.  A sappy happy bordering-on-annoying-you-grateful, and thankful for all the…

  • Wall Flower

    Wall Flower: Wallpaper, acrylic and gold paint on wood. My dear Karen Messer was the second winner of the Mother’s Day contest I had.  I took my time, saving this one for the show I am having at the Ministry of Casual Living right now.  The opening was awesome, a totally surprise, since I worried…

  • Train Travel

    15″ x 20″ Train Travel. Emily from Bernstein & Gold commissioned this one from me, for herself of her best friend Lisa. Emily told me she asked her friend first, if it was weird she was going to have a painting done of her, if that was okay… of course she was honoured. I don’t…

  • Buster

    16″ x 22″ Acrylic on wood. Buster! Sarah Ginger Kittens Smith commissioned this painting for her hubby Gord, also my pal, for his surprise be-day party this year.  Grace took the picture and filtered it to be high contrast and clearly, bright and colourful. Buster, is LOVED immensely by all of the above.   Especially…

  • Sailorette

    Cute Little Sailorette, 15 5/8″ x 22 3/8″ For a bit of mother’s day appreciation, I had a contest on Facebook to win a painting of your mom.  It was ridiculously hard to chose a picture!  There were so many good ones,  I chose 2;  this one, and a picture yet to be painted for…

  • Pigeon Holed

    ~Sold~ 13″ x 7 3/4″ Copies for sale at Love’s 535 Yates Street. My Girlfriend Geneva chose the topic transformation for our drawing collective, and I had coincidentally just finished this painting.  Man I was mad at this image, it was a stupid ugly gold headed bird, so I sanded its head with fierce vengeance. …

  • Sick of Love

    12″ x 19.5″ Acrylic on wood. Copies for sale at for sale at Love’s, 535 Yates Street. Hmmm, this painting, still not sure about it.  But I know there are a few people out there who like it, a lot.  So I am putting it up to the test. What was I thinking… about love,…